The Biggest Pros and Cons of Aging in Place

August 31, 2022

The Biggest Pros and Cons of Aging in Place
A woman standing next to a senior citizen.
Once we reach a certain age, there is a serious question that we have to answer for ourselves. Should we move into a new home for our senior years, or should we stay in place? The reason why answering this question is rarely easy is that both options have their upsides and downsides. So, to clarify this, let’s outline the pros and cons of aging in place.

Pros and cons of aging in place

For most of our history, aging in place wasn’t a question. It was seen as natural that your offspring would take care of you as you get older. And in order to have a comfortable living, they might upsize the home. But staying together was not a matter of question. Seeing that our kids are likely to move out (if they haven’t already) and live lives of their own, you should definitely ask yourself whether you should stay put.

Senior care is expensive

A quick Google search will quickly show you that senior care is by no means cost-effective. By 2022 estimates, the average cost of a private room in a nursing home is $8,365 per month. Even if you store away your belongings with, and choose a more modest option, it will still easily be over $6,000. If you have a financial situation where you can support this, you should consider this option. However, this is simply not the case for most senior citizens, even with the help of their families.

Life is easier in a nursing home

On the other hand, living in a nursing home is far easier than living on your own. Trainer professionals will take care of your every need, whether medical or otherwise – cooking, cleaning, exercise, etc. Your every need is provided for. You can easily socialize with people your age and find activities suitable for senior citizens. All things considered, moving into a nursing home can be a brand new adventure, where you meet new people and enjoy your twilight years.

Staying in the familiar neighborhood

However, not everyone enjoys adventure. The older we get, the more we tend to value familiarity. Most seniors find comfort in knowing their neighborhood and the people living there. By staying in the same community, you can enjoy the relationships you’ve built over the years. And you can even find a role in your community and feel useful.

The comfort of the known household

If you’ve lived in the same home for over a decade, you’ve likely grown quite accustomed to it. The space feels familiar. Every item in your home has a designated place that you can essentially find in the pitch dark. Well, this type of comfort is only possible if you’ve lived in the same place for many years. Therefore, why should you forgo it as you become older? In fact, it only makes sense that you enjoy your well-earned comfort and all the home improvements you’ve worked on over the years.

Difficulties of home maintenance

The tricky thing about living in the same home is that it won’t care that you’ve grown old. Your home will require the same level of maintenance and cleaning that it always did. And as you get older, maintaining your home will become increasingly difficult. You will likely learn new ways to tackle home maintenance or even invest in senior-friendly tools. But, all in all, you’ll likely struggle noticeably more with tasks that once were a breeze. If you were to move to a nursing home, this wouldn’t be a problem.

Finding help

One of the main benefits of living in modern times is that you can find help for every issue that pops up. Even the already mentioned ones like cooking, cleaning, maintaining, etc. Experienced professionals can tackle all and even assist you in showing the benefits of self storage for seniors. You can even declutter your home with senior storage and make your retirement easier. Therefore, aging in place doesn’t have to be as tricky as it seems at first.

Getting around can be difficult

Unfortunately, one of the things you’ll find trouble dealing with is distance. Everything you need will be nearby if you live in a nursing home. But, distance will become an increasing problem if you stay where you are. Walking will take longer, and you might lose your ability to drive. Of course, the more often you use the two, the longer they will last. You can opt for Uber or Taxi, but those aren’t cost-effective solutions on a daily basis.


Safety is a big concern for senior people, and with good reason. While young, we don’t think much of it as we take our vitality and health for granted. But, as we get older, we become more aware of our mortality and fragility. The common question asked is, “What will I do if I happen to fall and can’t get up?” Well, in a nursing home, this isn’t a problem. But, if you live alone in your home, this can be a significant concern. Besides this, there are also break-ins, fires, storms, and many more. All can pose harm. And while some home features can be of aid, none can replace the presence of a younger caregiver.


One of the biggest factors senior citizens have to deal with is loneliness. The more extroverted citizens would benefit greatly from having a group of people to talk to every day. In their case, living in a nursing home prolongs their life solely by having people around them. But, if you choose to stay at home, you will have to find ways to deal with being alone. Your family will visit you, but not as much as you’d like. You can get a pet, but it won’t be a substitute for human companionship. On the other hand, the more introverted senior citizens may, in fact, enjoy the extra privacy. No one is bothering you may give you some much-desired peace and quiet.

Final thoughts

While there are plenty of pros and cons of aging in place, we advise you first to consider what suits your temperament. The older we get, the more important it is that we understand ourselves and our needs. It seems that satisfied, healthy senior citizens know how to find both comfort and challenge in life. So, when making your decision, try to consider both.

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